What’s up Y’all! Cocktails and Tea Podcast is back with a NEW EPISODE! On today’s episode… we’re discussing the very interesting and emotionally charged #HISTORY of Lake Lanier in Northern Georgia. Before the Racial Cleansing/ Massacre in the Greenwood District of Tulsa, Ok, also known as “BLACK WALL STREET” in 1921. Nine years earlier, there was “THE RACIAL CLEANSING OF 1912” in Forsythe County, GA… and it’s said to be one of the MOST SUCCESSFUL RACIAL CLEANSINGS IN AMERICAN HISTORY! I know you’re probably wondering WTH that has to do with Lake Lanier… don’t worry I’ll explain it all in the episode. So, IF you’re a COCKTAIL-LOVER who’s INTERESTED IN HISTORY and WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE HISTORY THEY DIDN’T TEACH YOU IN SCHOOL… then go on GET YOUR #COCKTAILS READY and tune in! Cheers!??